Services performed:
- "Guillotine 2+" - revision of all business permits. A group of BRC experts carried out an unprecedented work of researching and proposing solutions to streamline all business permits in Moldova. A total of 473 of business permits (public services), including those related to quality infrastructure, have been revised and specific measures recommended for each permit. This work resulted in adoption by the Parliament of the Law on authorization of business activity, which included an annex with 273 valid permits in Moldova; and the Law on implementation of one-stop-shop, which deals with OSS both at the central and local public authorities.
- Streamlining the construction authorization. Carried out research and impact assessment analysis in the field of construction authorization, and contributed to drafting the Law on authorization of construction works, passed by the Parliament on 09.07.2010 with no. 163. It was estimated that the law would save around $5 million annually for the private sector.
- Studies on opportunities for establishing one-stop-shops (OSS) for central and local public authorities, including in construction and trade permits. Studies recommended measures to reduce time, costs, number of formalities and opportunities for corruption.
- "Doing Business" Indicators Reform. BRC experts reviewed and proposed streamlining measures to improve Moldova ranking on Ease of Doing Business Indicators (Doing Business, World Bank Group), which contributed to placing Moldova among top 10 reformers according to Doing Business 2010 and 2012.
- Improvement of business licensing procedures, which included: recommendations to streamline formalities; development of licensing guides for 37 licensed activities; development and implementation of electronic solutions within the Licensing Chamber, including on-line licensing guides, on-line access to database of licensed companies, electronic OSS. The results were highly appreciated by businesses and during the opening event by the Prime Minister and US ambassador.
- Training and assistance in strengthening the capacity of central and local governments and regional BAs in designing and implementing regulatory reform initiatives, including regulatory impact assessment, business ombudsman, transparency, one-stop-shop etc.
- Assistance to USAID|BIZTAR project and Ministry of Economy in establishing and maintaining strategic partnerships with 8 Business Associations (BA), each responsible for about 3-4 rayons, together covering the whole country. The BAs were: Chisinau (Central) Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Edinet Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Soroca Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Balti Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Cahul Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Center for Rural Consultation Bugeak-Consult from Gagauzia, Asproagro Association from Orhei, PAIP and APA-Viitorul from Hancesti. In cooperation with these regional partners BIZTAR provided assistance to local governments (mainly economic divisions) and branches of central bodies in the territory to develop better policies and implement business development solutions locally.
- Optimization of reporting requirements, which included: development of methodology to periodically assess the reporting burden and supervise the conducting of the business surveys on reporting burden and requirements; development of proposals to simplify the reporting requirements and improving access for citizens and businesses to government information.
- Worked with most of the regulators in Moldova, including: Ministry of Economy and its agencies (Licensing Chamber, Market Surveillance and Consumer Protection Inspectorate, Inspectorate on Technical Surveillance of Industrial Dangerous Objects, Energy Inspectorate; National Institute on Standardization and Metrology); Ministry of Finance and its agencies (State Tax Service, Customs Services); Ministry of Justice and its agencies (Chamber of Registration, ) Ministry of Health and its agencies (Sanitary Agency, State Registry of Juridical Acts); Ministry of Internal Affairs and its agencies (Fire-safety Agency); Ministry of Regional Development and Construction and its agencies (State Inspection in Construction, State Service for Verification and Expertise of Construction Projects); Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and its agencies (Sanitary-Veterinary Agency; Phyto-sanitary Surveillance Inspectorate, Alcoholic Products Surveillance Inspectorate, etc.); Ministry of Transportation and Road Infrastructure and its agencies (National Transport Agency, etc.); Ministry of Environment (State Environment Inspectorate); Ministry of Health (Sanitary Agency, Drugs Agency, etc.); National Bureau of Statistics; Cadastre Agency; Center for Fighting Economic Crimes and Corruption; etc.
Period: September 2007 – October 2011
Client contact information:
202, Stefan cel Mare Avenue
Kentford building, 4th floor
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Phone / Fax (+ 373 22) 295-411 / 582-018
Project link